It's the photographer, not the camera, but sometimes it's really the lens.
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Apple iPhone 11 Pro
Starting to get there.
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Apple iPhone 14 Pro
This first time I started feeling my phone was actually a camera, instead of a gimmick.
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Apple iPhone X
Okay, here's where it started to almost be considered something useful.
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Canon Powershot G12
I loved everything about this pocket sized travel camera except its results. Not quite good enough but tantalizingly close.
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Fujifilm X-E2
The X100 convinced me Fuji was on to something, the X-E2 was for all intents the digital Contax G I had dreamed of. Compact, fun lenses, and great travel companion.
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Fujifilm X-H1
A big beast for fuji, and ultimately that's why I swapped to a Z - for the same size I was getting more light. A really great attempt but not quite up to the state of the art - too big to be as lovely as the X-T series.
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Fujifilm X-M1
The same 16MP Sony sensor that powered the X-E2, X-T1, and X-70, and similar to the Coolpix A, the X-M1 was a great IR body but the lack of viewfinder caused headaches.
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Fujifilm X-T1
A joking rental turned into a serious purchase, the original X-T1 was pure Fuji while also being the ideal the OM-1 aspired to be - lightweight, simple, but thoroughly capable. And my favorite 16mp sensor, gorgeous in X-Trans and IR.
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Fujifilm X-T2
The only thing that made me leave this critter was the want for IBIS, it took until the X-T5 for there to be a true replacement.
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Fujifilm X100
Really an incredible leap of art and faith - an amazingly clever optical/digital hybrid viewfinder, and captured what Leica wanted to do in a way Leica has still failed at.
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Fujifilm X100S
The second in the series, the X100 was great but I miss this critter.
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Fujifilm X70
A really nifty camera that would have been perfect with IBIS.
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Nikon Coolpix A
An APS-C Compact camera better only by the Fuji X70, this was a wonderful camera, a great IR body as well, until I let it get swallowed by a wave.
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Nikon D4
A beast of a camera; amazing sensor and rock solid. But IBIS is really nice and the Z6 called me!
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Nikon D600
My first 'Full Frame' digital, and a big jump in some ways - a great workhorse.
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Nikon D7000
The second camera I bought brand new, preordered and worth every single cent. This was the camera that really let me shoot seriously without a ton of limiters from the start.
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Nikon D750
I tried to love this camera - it's a fantastic DSLR - but after shooting Fuji's, what I increasingly wanted was a mirrorless system and never having to calibrate lenses!
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Nikon D80
My first digital Nikon, the D80 might not have been revolutionary, but the on/off switch made sense, the menus were sensible, and it felt like it was made for photographers in a way Canons had seemed to diverge from.
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Nikon Z50
The wonderful but annoying little brother.
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Nikon Z6
Oh. It's not perfect, but it's the best Nikon I've ever owned.
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Nikon ZF
Manual controls, amazing autofocus, brilliant in low light, and comes in green. What's not to love?
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Olympus E-PM1
My first dedicated IR interchangeable body, the sensor was perfectly matched for IR.
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Olympus TG-5
Little red waterproof unbreakable travel buddy! Tough and fun, with a great macro mode, maybe it's got a tiny sensor but it's a fun tool to use!
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Panasonic DMC-TS3
Little red waterproof alllllmost unbreakable travel buddy! Tough and fun, it took a long time to kill this wee beastie.
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Panasonic LX-3
Another of the lux-compacts with sensors that couldn't quite live up to their interface, this was truly a great camera that suffered only with comparisons to sensors far larger.
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Sony RX-100Mk 4
I can't seem to decide if I like this camera, it's useful, it's perfectly good, but it's not got that emotional connection I'd expect it to have, given it's capabilities and size.
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